Preschool Year 1

Ocean Park Campus

We begin students at two years and five months. For age-eligible children, we have an optional summer preschool program as well as flexible start dates through the fall.

Teacher as Nurturer Teachers focus on successful separation from parents and begin the formation of a connection with their teachers. The child's emotional needs are supported in order to foster a strong sense of self and comfort in a structured group environment. Activities are fun, creative and age-appropriate. Each class has 2 teachers with 12-14 kids per class.

Campus Our warm and cozy minimal classrooms are designed to keep little minds at ease, and therefore creative. Research, and our experience, have shown that the more simple the environment, the more profound the interactions and imaginative play are amongst young children. Similarly, the thoughtful layout of the play yard and structures are built entirely for small children to explore, climb, run, bike, and play.

Preschool Curriculum The magic of a child's first preschool year is captured at the beautiful and thoughtfully designed Ocean Park Campus. During this precious time, children are just beginning to experience separation and the formation of meaningful friendships. Simultaneously, families and children are supported by The First School staff and their deep understanding of these foundational skills.

Small preschool class sizes allow for teachers to meaningfully interact with children and help them navigate their experiences. When children encounter hardships or big feelings, the staff and environment at Ocean Park allow for children's needs to be supported, their experiences narrated as needed and, their feelings heard and validated.

Students develop age-appropriate habits of self-care skills and gain increasing self-reliance and feelings of confidence. They develop positive, trusting relationships with their teachers and peers, allowing them to reveal their unique sense of self while also fostering appreciation and respect for others.

The children who have not attended our Stay & Play transition group will learn how to say goodbye to their parents through our caring, individualized separation process once they start preschool.

Half Day:
Monday – Friday 8:30 am-12 pm
*Early bird drop off at 8 am

Full Day:
Monday - Friday 8:30 am-2:30 pm

Early bird drop off at 8 am

Extended day option until 4 pm, Monday-Thursday